even in darkness there is light, and she'll smack the crap out of you.
dr. thomas, md
○○Adrian is the only child of Archie and Evelyn Thomas, but not for lack of trying. Two years prior to his birth, Evelyn had an ectopic pregnancy, and was not caught in time to avoid surgery. When she became pregnant again, the couple was very cautious but very happy when the pregnancy with Adrian was normal. Not having any siblings of his own made him close with his cousins.

○○Growing up in a place rich with history, Adrian was quickly fascinated by it all. His younger years included trips with his dad to historical sights, his favorite being the Pioneer's gun turret mounted near the river. Aside from the history that Ngaruawahia provided, he also became intrigued with football and rugby.

○○Upon Adrian completing primary school, the Thomas' moved to the United States. His parents felt as though there were more opportunities there for not just themselves but also their son. Santa Rosa became their new home, and it meant a lot of things changing. It took Adrian a while to get used to spelling things differently and couldn't figure out why his beloved sport of football had to be called soccer, or why rugby was so unknown.

○○Starting in a whole different school setting was a little bit awkward for Adrian, especially when he felt like the material he was learning at first were things he learned back home. At least he used that to his advantage to excell in the class, but it got him labeled as a nerd for being so smart and in turn picked on. It wasn't until high school that things began to even out for him.

○○Adrian maintained perfect grades while attending Santa Rosa High School, which eventually turned into multiple acceptance letters from colleges. Ultimately, he chose to stay within the state of California by accepting admittance to USC. This was something that pleased his parents, as they always had high expectations of him.

○○Throughout his life, Archie and Evelyn supported their son and it would be no different during college so long as he chose a respectable field like law or medicine. Adrian would eventually go with the latter. They had hoped he would specialize in something more important like the brain or heart, but he chose the orthopedic path.

○○Aside from his parents having high expectations of him, they also instilled old fashioned morals within him. Some of those morals though, were disregarded during his college years; and while he intended on keeping that from his parents, they eventually found out when he called them one night, panic stricken and freaking out about thinking he got his girlfriend at the time pregnant. While they were disappointed in him, he was just thankful it turned out to be a false alarm.

○○After graduating from USC's school of medicine Adrian went on to complete his internship and work on his residency at Hoag Hospital in Newport Beach. During his first year he met a patient who had unfortunately broken her foot during a gymnastics routine, he was under the attending doctor and made his rounds with him to get a feel for the orthopedic field. He didn't know then that the woman would make such an impact on his life or even run into her again. A few months after her surgery and physical therapy, he ran into her again while at a bar that he frequented when he wanted to unwind after a long shift. He and Shey Pierce ended up closing the bar down talking over drinks. The night ended in her giving him her phone number and a request to stay in contact. He did.

○○Adrian and Shey created a beautiful friendship that seemed like it had potential to go further but it never did, whether it was due to him feeling as though he hardly had any time for a life let alone a relationship or her relationship with a complete douchebag. In December of 2011, while at a mutual friends Christmas party, their friends decided take matters into their own hands as they were both finally single. One held a mistletoe over their head while the others urged them to be good sports despite he and Shey claiming that they were just friends. Giving into the Christmas spirit, they obliged and the night eventually ended with them in bed together. After a few casual dates and keeping things mostly just physical they realized the potential they had together and became an official couple the following March.

○○The couple has recently moved in together, much to his parents disappointment once again since they weren't married. He does feel as though she's the one and has hopes of proposing some time in the near future. He already has a ring and keeps it with him whenever they're together in case the perfect opportunity comes along when he least expects it.
birth name
adrian joseph thomas

date of birth
january 5th, 1982 (31)

orthopedic surgeon (hoag hospital; residency completed '13)

university of southern california (undergrad and med school)

initial hometown
ngaruawahia, new zealand (birth - 13) & santa rosa, ca. (13-18)

current residence
newport beach, california

relationship status
dating shey pierce (since march 5, 2012)

pb: daniel gillies. journal: tommyoliver. writing: eastern, threading preferred, random ims always appreciated. ©