BORN: Cristian Reese Murray
GOES BY: Cris or Reese
D.O.B.: July 30, 1984
AGE: 37
HOMETOWN: Manhattan, NY
LOCATION: Brooklyn, NY
STATUS: Divorced & having fun
OCCUPATION: NYPD Detective (Narco/Undercover)
AFFILIATION: Irish Mafia (Soldier)
created for ~affiliates
go back to ~crism
biography The initial meeting between Darcy Murray and Ava Trentini was anything but conventional. Darcy had been handling some minor business at a local Manhattan bar while Ava was cleaning up around the bar that happened to be owned by her father. The two had struck up some friendly chatter off and on throughout the night which ended with her writing her number down on a napkin and tucked it into the front pocket of his leather jacket for him. To most it seemed harmless, but to one particular individual it was anything but that. That man followed Darcy out of the bar and struck him from behind before getting as many hits on him as he could before other bar patrons pulled him off. The man had been stalking Ava for months, convinced she was his despite her pleas to leave her alone. Feeling as though Darcy was hurt because of her, Ava spent more time with him and helped him heal from his injuries. The more time they spent together, the closer they got, and a relationship eventually blossomed from that.

At nineteen, a year after meeting Darcy, Ava found herself pregnant. She was scared for multiple reasons, fearing how her parents would react when she told them or how Darcy would feel about it. The latter panicked, and rightfully so. He was still young himself and while Ava wasn't exactly the enemy, she was a product of a side that came with a lot of tension in regards to Darcy's affiliation with the Irish Mafia. Ava wasn't exactly privy to the things he was involved with, but she wasn't an idiot either - not when she saw it regularly at her father's bar. Despite panicking over the news, Darcy didn't run away or end things with Ava, that wasn't how he was raised. Instead, they rushed a wedding - with both sets of parents were absolutely against but realized there was no stopping the two. September of 1982 saw them welcoming their first child - a daughter. A second daughter was born in August of 1983, and finally a son, who they named Cristian, was born in July of 1984. Ava was done having kids after that, she promptly told Darcy the shop was closed unless they started using contraceptives. A fourth child ended up being conceived in 1987 but was lost due to a miscarriage. To ensure they didn't go through that kind of trauma again, Darcy willingly got a vasectomy in 1990.

Cristian's upbringing was interesting to say the least. He was always surrounded by love and family, primarily from Darcy's side. It wasn't that Ava kept her children from her side of the family it was more the fact that tensions really hadn't died down much and while her parents loved their grandchildren unconditionally it was easy to see they still didn't really approve of their daughter's marriage. As a young child, Cristian really ahd no idea what the mafia was, he just assumed his family was huge. Sometimes his granda and da came home with bumps and bruises and he figured they were just rowdy like him as he too often came home with black eyes and cuts from getting into playground scuffles with other kids. Or the playground equipment itself because he wasn't always the brightest crayon in the box. Ava often joked that her youngest making it to double digits was nothing short of a miracle from God himself.

As a preteen, Cristian would often run small errands for his father and his friends, delivering packages or keeping an eye on certain surroundings. He never felt the need to ask any questions because they usually paid him a small amount of money or bought him some new hip gadget. It wasn't until he was roughly sixteen when he started asking about those odd jobs and why his father and grandfather were out late a lot. That's when he learned a little more about the large family he was part of and why his maternal grandfather was displeased when he said he couldn't help him with projects because he had to help Darcy and Lorcan. He showed an immediate interest of wanting to be more involved, but Darcy insisted he was still too young and wanted him to focus more on his schooling and graduating in a few years. That graduation almost didn't happen on time when his principle threatened to suspend him for the remainder of his junior year after he caught Cristian with his daughter bent over the bleachers of the football field. When Darcy reminded the principle where a large portion of the schools funding came from, the threats stopped. Not that it stopped Cristian from banging the daughter, because it certainly didn't, even going so far as to have her on her daddy's desk one morning. That principle was never so happy to see Cristian graduate the following year and get out of his hair. Cristian's parting gift to him was leaving behind some unaccompanied children on his desk chair.

With no real desire to further his education, Cris dove into the family business until the age of twenty-one when he put into motion an idea his Granda came up with. Getting accepted into the police academy was the first step, graduating from it was another story. He took to it like a fish to water, and he was a little too good at certain aspects of it but he passed the background and psychological tests with flying colors. Graduating at the top of his class, he was assigned a FTO at a Manhattan precinct that would show him the ropes and go on to be someone Cris really learned from and respected. It was weird, considering a cop an actual friend outside of just playing a role, but his FTO really had his best interest at heart. He learned quite a bit from the older woman and still asked her questions from time to time even after he completed his field training and was assigned an actual partner within the same house. He remained with that Manhattan precinct until he was twenty-four when he put in a request for transfer to Brooklyn.

There was no deep meaning behind his request, other than to get a little bit of distance between his job and his 'family'. It was just enough to where he wouldn't potentially see one of them wherever he went and to also get another borough's knowledge on whatever they might have on any of them. It was still a fine line between the two, but he was quite skilled at walking that proverbial tightrope. Things at the new precinct were pretty good for a couple of years until issues with the Deputy Inspector started to arise. There had been rumors about him that started floating around, any other good cop on the right side of the law would side with their superior office, but not Cris. He had seen and heard things for himself to believe the things being spread about the older man. Rather than add to the gossip or lash out at the man physically or even verbally, Cris took it upon himself to cozy on up to the man's wife. If the Deputy Inspector couldn't keep it in his pants, why did his wife need to abide by the same? They did keep the affair quiet though, for as much as Cris wanted to stick it to the man, he couldn't jeopardize his status within the NYPD either. That became a non-issue when the wife filed for divorce - sleeping with her didn't stop there. After a few months passed by she began visiting Cris at the stations, and making it public knowledge that she was involved with him in some way. Sure there was speculation that they had been with one another prior to the announced divorce, but nobody ever found any concrete evidence of it. Cris caught some backlash from fellow officers and higher ups, but he shrugged it off. A year later and the divorce was finalized, but the Deputy Inspector was still salty about it - so Cris and the woman did the next best thing to further stick it to her ex-husband and got married. It was the dumbest thing he'd ever done, but his level of pettiness and spitefulness knew no limit. It was annulled two months later - but they both kept the facade and wore their rings until the ex-husband was no longer bothered by them. At that point it was no longer fun for either of them to rub it in his face. However, the tongue lashing he received from his Nana was more than enough to make him actually feel guilty about it. The whole scenario was ridiculous, but Cris would be lying if he said it wasn't hilarious at the same time.

Things eventually began to die down a little, heat wise, when the Deputy Inspector stepped down and moved halfway across the state to greener pastures. Though some of the NYPD brass still had a stick up their ass regarding Cris, thankfully he didn't have to deal with them too much. Eventually everything returned to normal, Cris proved himself to be a top tier detective while also feeding information to the Irish as a means to keep them out of the law's microscope whenever it became available to him. Minimal things were sometimes left out to keep any suspicion off of him, knowing full well the mafia could beat smaller issues themselves with little to zero problem or cough up a scapegoat, whichever they felt was best for business. The NYPD was none the wiser and he intended on keeping it that way.

In March of 2020, they sent Cris undercover to infiltrate a gang operating on Long Island. It took him eight months to gain enough trust that he could work his way in. It wasn't going to be an easy over and done assignment, he knew that from the start. By the end of the year he had gained a little more status after proving himself, which involved him doing a handful of things that didn't sit well with him at the end of the night. He didn't care about running drugs, but taking them were another story. But, when it was insisted he partake in the goods, he knew saying no would be a red flag. The NYPD was looking to make a huge bust on the gang so Cris was aiming to get as much information as he could - if that meant bending his own rules, then that's what he had to do. He stopped checking in as often as they wanted him too, citing that he didn't want anyone from the gang sniffing around his whereabouts and risk blowing his own cover, but the NYPD assumed he was just going dark or getting too involved. In some regards that was true, but he still had every intention on making this case for them, he just wanted it more on his terms rather than theirs.

In May of 2021 they mentioned wanting a second undercover detective put in with the gang and Cris said no, especially when they wanted him to be used as the way in. He refused to put himself in that position and told them that if they were dead set on putting a second undercover with him, that the detective would have to find his own way in. He eventually did, but it didn't take long for Cris to realize that his fellow detective wasn't just there to infiltrate the gang, but also to watch him. A few times Cris had to pull him aside and tell him to back off, that he was acting too much like a cop and would get them both killed, but the other man mostly ignored him and kept asking too many questions from time to time. The higher ups in the gang grew suspicious of the other man asking too many questions and sniffing around Cris too much. It was becoming a problem, and one he needed to deal with. In October of 2021, a meet was set up between the second undercover and a rival gang member, it was supposed to be the beginning of a potential understanding between the two. The gang Cris was with were looking to offload some product and the rival gang were looking to expand their territory. It was an undisclosed location, known only to those directly involved and the leaders. It was supposed to be an easy exchange, except it ended in two dead bodies and a duffle bag full of fake product. NYPD brass raked Cris over the coals, demanding information on what happened and why he wasn't watching his so-called partner to which he responed that he knew nothing of the meet. Nothing could put him on scene and his alibi was airtight. As of March 2022 there still have been no leads and no breakthroughs and the NYPD's focus had more or less turned to the gang the other undercover was meeting with. They're on the verge of putting the case on the shelf as a double murder with nothing to go off of. Fearing for his own safety, Cris has continued to plead with brass to either pull the plug on the operation or make the case regarding his gang - but they've continued to brush him off. If it keeps up, he will see to it that they burn to the ground.

personality Cristian can come off as uncaring at times, or at the very least, indifferent. He will give you the shirt off his back, but you really have to work on earning his trust before you reach that status. To those that have been let in, he's charasmatic, charming, goofy, and not all that bad. To those on the outside looking in, he can come off as dangerous and sometimes even a little violent. He has a tendency to ask questions with his fists rather than his words. Not much is sacred to him, except his family (biological and chosen) and his beer.

likes Sex, cheap cigarettes, free alcohol, motorcycles, making money, fight night, black coffee, Cherry Coke, medium-rare meat, waffle fries, 90s cartoons, the Knicks, the Rangers, actually sleeping, shitting in peace.

dislikes Wine, electric cars, tea, under or over cooked meat, baseball, shitting in public, losing money, most children, most adults, his job, NYPD brass, backtalk from uneducated nitwits, most social media, laundry, getting up before his alarm, affect/effect, writing reports, doing things to keep his cover.

scars & tattoos Two inch scar on his left side, various tiny scars from childhood, closed ear piercings, a celtic bull tattoo on the inside of his right bicep.

notable npcs Aoife Murray [nee O'Nolan] (Nana) b.12/02/1926 d.12/22/2018 - Paternal grandmother, light of his life. Passed away from complications of pneumonia in 2018 (92) and has not forgiven himself for not getting to say goodbye. she was a fierce woman who many knew not to mess with but also known for her kindness and generosity and often had plenty of "adoptive" sons, daughters, and grandkids.

Lorcan Murray (Granda) - b.05/17/1934 (87) - Paternal Grandfather, an unbreakable bond and literal ray of sunshine who will still threaten you with a belt. Cris has always sought out his wisdom and advice and still continues to do that to this day. He has since stepped down from the mafia but is still highly regarded and often looked up to by others. While no longer active, that doesn't stop him from running ideas and thoughts past Cris in hopes he'll pass them on.

Darcy Murray (Da) b.02/17/1958 d.09/07/2013 - Father, the original best friend. Murdered in broad daylight (targeted drive-by) while having lunch with him in 2013 (55). The killer was personally dealt with by Cris. Cris' sense of humor and diehard loyalty came from his father and he carries him with him at all times in the form of a keepsake keychain.

Ava Murray [nee Trentini] (Mam) b.08/24/1962 (59) - Mother, badass extroidinaire. Never remarried after her husbands death but loosened her connections to the Irish Mafia. Currently she runs the bar her father founded in Hell's Kitchen that doubles as a front for illegal activities. She's trying to turn the place legit, but old habits die hard. She and Cris have biweekly dinners together.

Fabio Trentini (Pops) b.01/27/1932 d.06/06/2006 - Maternal Grandfather, loveable but strict. He tried recruiting Cris to run drugs for him as a teenager but Cris had already started working under his father and paternal grandfather. He was never anything more than a mid-level dealer but pretty well respected in the gang he associated with. He passed away peacefully in his sleep of natural causes in 2006 (70).

Caoimhe Trentini [nee Doyle] (Grams) b.04/01/1942 (80) - Maternal Grandmother, literal nightmare fuel but will still stuff you like a turkey if you say you're hungry. While not estranged from her, Cris tries to keep the interactions between them minimal. She's loving, mostly, but she still terrifies him to this day. She currently still runs the books behind the scenes while her daughter keeps the bar from turning into UFC Fight Night.

in-game connections ~Gavin - Work Husbando
~Ree - Give more head than a hoodie