Oliver Cruz Hale age & dob
24; December 1, 1995
Memphis 901 FC
relationship status
Chattanooga, Tennessee
► Born in Chattanooga to Jasmine Justin and Zaiden Hale, Oliver came eight and a half minutes after his twin sister Ophelia. His parents were young when they had the twins and struggled more often than not, but had an amazing support system around them to help when times got tough. It wasn't a glamorous childhood by any means, but the amount of love both Oliver and Ophelia felt knew no bounds. It was the one thing they were never short on. The twins attended public school until the fourth grade when they were pulled after an incident involving a teacher and Justin's transformation were brought to light, resulting in the teacher being fired. The Hale's decided to relocate to Memphis, Tennessee just to start fresh while also opting to enroll the twins in a private school, it heled that Zaiden's parents lived in the area as well. The tuition wasn't cheap, but both sets of grandparents offered to help and split the cost with Justin and Zaiden.

► Changing schools went easier than expected, mostly due to the fact that they were new faces and no reason to explain how they went from having a mom and dad, to two dad's. The transition Justin was going through was already difficult enough to explain and understand for the twins, but as they got older it just became second nature. They were still the same loving, supportive parents that they knew from the start. It was at the private school that Oliver, who began going by his middle name (Cruz) discovered his love for soccer, a sport that Zaiden played during his youth so it was something the two could bond over together. Each parent had that one thing they shared with each child among things they all loved and did as a family - with Zaiden it was soccer and with Justin it was cooking. It took Cruz a little while to get the hang of the game, but once he did it was hard to keep up with him. Though he was much smaller in stature compared to the other kids, he was agile and quick on his skates.

► The summer before their senior year in high school (2013), the twins had gone out to meet up with some friends when they were involved in a car accident. They were t-boned on the driver's side by someone under the influence, and with Ophelia having been the driver, she was killed on impact. Cruz sustained multiple injuries consisting of breaks, fractures, cuts, and a concussion. Physically, all the wounds healed over time and he was able to return to the pitch with his team in time for his senior year, but the emotional wounds were still fresh. He stopped doing a lot of things that he and Ophelia loved to do together, and even considered attending a different college because initially he couldn't bring himself to commit to their dream school of Stanford University despite them having offered him an athletic scholarship. Ultimately he knew he had to do right by his sister and still went, even going so far as to win the NCAA championship his freshman through junior years. Ever since Ophelia's death, he has written her initials on a piece of tape before sticking them to his shin guards before every game. Even now, in the USLC, that is a tradition he still continues to honor.

► Cruz is extremely close to his parents and while things about Justin and Zaiden are more open and publicly known, they aren't always met with the kindest of words or warmest of welcomes. That is something Cruz still struggles with and doesn't hesitate to mouth off or even swing his fists if it comes ot that. He's always been protective of family and friends, and that won't change anytime soon. When Memphis 901 FC was founded, Cruz was traded from the team that initially drafted him (Charleston Battery) and started every game in the 901's inagural season (2019). Justin and Zaiden haven't missed a game yet since his trade to Memphis. Recently bought his grandparents four bedroom home as they were moved into an assisted living facility. Initially they had left Ophelia the house in their will, with the other set of grandparents leaving Cruz theirs, though Ophelia's death had changed that arrangement. They were reluctant at first to let Cruz physically purchase the house, but with all parties being stubborn, Cruz eventually won out, insisting they use the money to keep them set up for the ALF for as long as possible or to find a small home in the event they decided assisted living wasn't for them after all.
quick bits
► Owns a 2017 Jeep Wrangler and a 2019 Kawasaki Ninja ZX10r
► Usually just answers to Cruz, but Oli is generally accepted among childhood friends and family.
► Is known to be the resident goofball among family and friends, but can be quiet at times.
► Will verbally or physically fight with anyone who talks trash about or misgenders his parents.
► Loves all things Deadpool, dinosaurs, whales, animated, Pride related, and food. Especially tacos.
► Was involved in an accident summer of 2013 with his twin, resulting in Ophelia's death.
► Still suffers from survivor's guilt and has weekly check-in phone calls with his therapist.
► Lia was the only one that knew he could sing, hasn't done it since the accident, likely never will.
► Has been spoiled by his parents ever since the car accident, he has a love/hate relationship with it.
► Sometimes has a hard time connecting with people out of fear of losing them some way or another.
► Has a penchant for cuddling, likes the sense of security it gives, and is really good at it too.
► Stanford was his and Lia's dream college, and the main reason he still chose to attend.
► Tries not to curse, once in a while he will but otherwise tries to censor himself.
► Almost always has to be the driver, if not he'll only sit in the backseat.
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