logan flynn

Born eleven months after his brother, Logan Flynn entered the world silent and barely breathing. After trying oxygen didn't work, they had to intubate him in order to stabilize him. The following week the tube was removed and his parents were finally able to hold him. Naturally, concerns about long term effects crossed Samuel and Melody's minds but the doctors assured them it was unlikely. As days turned into weeks and eventually into months, Logan showed no initial signs of any lasting effects from his rough start in life. He and his older brother had their parents on their toes, and had their lives revolve around them.

Logan wasn't an overly active toddler, preferring to sit and watch Sesame Street and other semi-educational shows while his brother would play outside with their dad and the dog. With lack of exercise and undisciplined eating habits, he began to put on weight to which the kids in preschool began making fun of him. It made for a stressful situation when he would cry and his brother would push the kids that picked on him. The Flynn's had to change preschools twice before the school year was done.

Kindergarten wasn't much easier, Logan had gained more weight and the kids had become more cruel. Despite his parents efforts to get him active and involved with pee-wee sports, nothing seemed to work as he'd rather just sit and watch television or read books while snacking on junk food. Even when they limited the junk food in the house or the snack packs they sent them off to school with, Logan found ways around it. Mostly involving trading kids toys for their pudding or bag of chips. The status of his health became a concern, causing doctors to monitor him more closely.

Aside from being overweight, the only other issue Logan had was his eyesight. It wasn't terrible but glasses were prescribed for daily use as well as reading. He hated having to wear them, especially once "four eyes" was added to the list of names other kids called him at school. The one thing he found solace in was being smarter than the other kids. All he often did was read, even on things he didn't have to do a book report on. It made the teasing more frequent, but being able to escape into a big book often eased the pain. What it didn't ease was the fact that he ate his feelings. As he progressed through the grades, this became a bigger problem.

Middle school was a nightmare, he tried to change a few of his ways but being picked last or not at all for sports didn't give him a whole lot of faith. His brother did what he could to protect him, but most of the time he just offered Logan a sympathetic smile and left with the friends that were the source of the teasing. At one point, things got so bad he ran away from home. He didn't get very far and made the mistake of riding his bike to his uncle's who let him stay a few days before finally bringing him back home. The relationship Logan had with his uncle is unbreakable, and the man eventually became a sounding board when all he wanted was just for somebody to listen rather than shove suggestions down his throat to make things better.

In the first few months of seventh grade, the Flynn's moved from their home in Aurora, Illinois to Chicago when Samuel was given the opportunity to transfer to a different office with his company. They saw it as a possible blessing in disguise for Logan who would be attending a whole new school where nobody knew him. Unfortunately, his brother had to leave all his friends behind and that caused a small rift between the two boys. At their new school, his brother seemed to settle in with only a few bumps, but Logan was right back to square one. Kids making fun of him, and no friends. Depression set in as did eating his emotions, leading to him falling so far behind and generally not caring that he had to repeat the grade. The embarrassment he felt for himself was more than enough to make him try harder academically. He knew he was smart, and he regretted the fact that he let things bother him so much that he failed a grade level.

As Logan entered high school, he had hoped things would go from bad to decent but instead it went from bad to worse. He quickly fell into the role of the eyeglass wearing overweight kid that always had his nose in a book and sat in the front of the class, which led to jokes from the kid sitting behind him claiming they couldn't see around the mountain. He became the kid you wanted to cheat off of, and the one you didn't want to get paired up with in group projects and would leave him to do all the work, even the kid you bullied or manipulated into doing a paper for you. He could have said no to all of it, ratted them out to the teachers, but he had hoped they'd become his friends if he did what they wanted him to. He couldn't have been more wrong. One girl in particular had manipulated him into writing a few papers for her, and it didn't help that this was the girl he'd been crushing on since he first met her. He looked into things way too much, and gained just enough confidence to ask her to the dance that was coming up, her response was to laugh in his face. He tried everything during those four years to make more than just a few friends that weren't labeled uncool by the popular kids, he even tried out for the football team despite having little to no athletic ability. But, given his height and the fact he tipped the scales at two hundred and forty pounds, the coach saw him as someone that would be hard to get around and put him on the team. It still didn't benefit him the way he had hoped, the rest of the team still didn't respect him or associate with him off the field. Not even after he turned out to be a pretty decent defensive lineman once he grasped the concept of the sport.

Being accepted into Southern Illinois University at Carbondale meant still being a five hour drive away family while still getting the hell out of Chicago for a little while. It would be during those four years that Logan finally got himself on track. He had managed to befriend a girl that was way beyond his league and helped her with a few assignments while she in return offered to set up a workout plan for him. While he was skeptical about the whole exercise thing, he knew drastic changes needed to be made otherwise his life was going to be incredibly lonely and probably painfully short. It took time, but Logan slowly began to see signs of improvement, and by the end of his freshman year instead of gaining the feared fifteen he lost twenty. With the weight loss came a small dose of confidence, though he still wouldn't be caught dead without a shirt and asking a girl on a date was still on his "never gonna happen" list. By the end of sophomore year, another twenty had been lost, a first date had happened, and he settled on Zoology for a major with a specialization on Animal Biology. The girl he went on his first date with became his very first girlfriend though the relationship ended when she opted to transfer schools halfway across the country. While it hurt, it still gave him a bit more confidence knowing that now he was a semi-dateable guy. The two even remained friends after the break up.

His final two years involved more weight loss and friends being made. He felt better about himself daily, adding to that when he made the switch to contacts though he still kept the glasses around for an emergency. By the time his college graduation rolled around, Logan had slimmed down to a hundred and ninety pounds. He still had the occasional self-image struggle, but he had become much better at dealing with it and chose to continue with a regiment of eating healthy and exercising daily. Smoking helped too, a habit he picked up after a friend offered him one when he was beginning to stress out over finals. It wasn't even remotely healthy, but it helped curb the appetite.

With a degree in tow, he moved back home with his parents temporarily after taking a job at the Shedd Aquarium in an entry level trainer position with the Beluga whales and Pacific White-Sided dolphins. The active job also aided his continuation of weight loss. Eventually his body formed into a decent physique he could be proud of. Five years later and he's now cross trained to help care for the otters and sea lions and has become part of their Animal Response Team that goes out on rescues. He gave up smoking and sticks to a pretty routine regiment at the gym three days a week. He's been living in his own house for the last three and a half years but still remains close with his family, especially his brother. He still keeps in contact with the girl that changed his life for the better and even though it's still two years away, Logan can't wait for his high school's ten year reunion in hopes that a few of his tormentors are now overweight with a dead-end job.

pb: dylan o'brien ooc contact ‣ threads + customs, ooc friendly; coding!